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Learn to create an Agent Gateway and how to configure it. A new agent connection must be approved by the Controller before it is allowed into the groups. Once connected, the Controller has access to much of the Agent's Gateway configuration.

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[00:00] Let's add a agent with Enterprise Administration. I have two gateways here. I have one called Controller, which is currently set up as a controller, and one called Agent A, which is not yet set up as an agent. So we'll get started by adding that as an agent. I'm in the configure section of Agent A. I'm going to scroll on down and click on the left-hand side, if you have Enterprise Administration installed. There is a set up link, we'll go ahead and click on that. And we need to specify, if we're going to set the scale up as an agent or a controller. So in this case, we're going to leave agent selected and click the next button. Now we have a choice. If this is a brand new agent, I can leave new agent selected. However, if we have a backup from a pre-existing agent, I can select agent recovery. We'll take a look at agent recovery in a later video, so for right now I'm just going to use a new agent installation, and I'll click next. Now we need to specify which gateway my Agent A is connected to that will be the controller. Now this drop down is populated by gateway network connections. Currently Agent A does not have any gateway network connections. So I could head over to the networking and gateway network page over here, and create a connection between Agent A and my controller gateway. However, this page will do it for me automatically, so I'm going to scroll down a little bit here. And there's a create new connection link. If you click on that, a new form will appear and we just need to specify where the controller gateway is. So I'll come down to the host property and paste in the IP of my controller, and click the apply button. Once you do that, if you come back up to the controller drop down, you should see the controller gateway or the name, the system name of the gateway. In my case, mine is literally called Controller. So I'll select Controller. Now as this big info box here tells you, if the controller is using SSL or some other security settings that require connection approval, then you'll have to go in manually create the gateway network connection first. For more information on setting up those gateway network connections, check out the gateway network topic here on Inductive University. But if you're not using SSL, you can go ahead and just select your controller at the top, scroll down, and click the finish button. Then our agent will go ahead and try to connect to our controller, and if you run into any problems, this page will go ahead and tell you. So it looks like we do need to go and approve this agent. So I'll head over to my controller tab and on my controller gateway, I'm in the configure section, scroll back down, and under the Enterprise Administration section we can head over to agent management. We can see our Agent A gateway has a pending status, head over to the right and click the approve button. We'll confirm. And then we can go ahead and head back to our Agent A gateway. I'm going to click retry, and that's all you have to do. Now if you scroll down, again, we're still in the configure section here, on my agent. I'm going to go over to the Enterprise Administration section and there's now an agent settings link. If I click on that, on this page we have a couple of properties, but I wanted to point out the uninstall agent link at the top. If I later decide I no longer want this gateway to be an agent, I can click this link.

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