This lesson is part of the Sequential Function Charts in Ignition course. You can browse the rest of the lessons below.


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Here is a detailed explanation of how the Jump and Anchor elements function in a Sequential Function Chart.

Video recorded using: Ignition 7.8


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[00:00] The Jump and Anchor elements are a way to connect elements without having to draw the links between them. For example, instead of connecting these two action steps with a long link, I could use a Jump and Anchor. So this step we'll go into a Jump which will connect it to a matching Anchor. Each Jump and Anchor is identified by a label which is a single character. These are case sensitive and can be any character, alpha numeric symbols, anything like that. Now in this example, it would have been easy to draw the link, but take for example a more complicated chart. In this chart I have an Anchor here labeled with E that goes to an error handler, and then in numerous places on the chart, I have a Jump with the same label. Now drawing links from all of these locations back to my error handler would be pretty cumbersome, and in a very complicated and busy chart, you might have to cross other elements which isn't allowed, so in some cases Jumps and Anchors are required to let you go to a place in the chart that you wouldn't be able to reach otherwise.

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