This lesson is part of the Sequential Function Charts in Ignition course. You can browse the rest of the lessons below.


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Here is a detailed explanation of how the End Step functions in a Sequential Function Chart.

Video recorded using: Ignition 8.1


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[00:00] In this lesson, I'll demonstrate the use of a sequential function chart's end step. End steps mark the termination of a chart, and when a chart reaches the step, it stops executing. The end step can be grabbed from the pallet and dropped onto the chart like so. Now, after this chart executes, it will go through all the steps up to this point, and then it will enter the stopping state. And this is when any on stop event scripts would fire. Charts can also contain multiple end steps like this one. It has two separate branches, each with their own end steps. However, you're not limited to just two. You can add as many end steps as you'd like in your chart. Charts also don't need to contain any end steps at all. For example, this chart will continue to loop forever unless someone cancels it. The one restriction with end steps is that they cannot be placed in parallel sections. If I have a parallel section, I can't place my end step inside of it, but one can be placed outside.

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