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Learn how to add read/write security to individual tags through the Designer. Custom Access Rights must be set to use the Role-based permissions.

Video recorded using: Ignition 7.9


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[00:00] In ignition, you can add redirect privileges to individual tags if you want to, if we look in the designer, then I can go into my tag browser here, and I can pick out any tag I want, or multiple tags if you want to, I'm going to go to my ramp zero here, open that guy up. And then you can see that this particular tag has its own permissions associated with it. Now, in order for these permissions to stick at all, I do have to change my access rights properly on the General tab. So I'm going to choose Custom and once you've chosen custom it allows you to come to your permissions here. And now we can set up a role name to access level mapping. Right, so if I come down to the bottom of this page, you can say add a role and I'm going to add administrator. Click the Add button and I'll do one for operator as well. Click the Add button here, right, now you can see we have administrator and operator both read only, what I can do is I can say read write for administrator read only for operator. And that means that if anyone doesn't have either of these roles, then they won't get even read only permissions. And it does mention up at the top here at that if a user has more than one of the roles in the list, and whichever role has the highest permissions will apply.

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