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2:47Property Binding
2:15Property Binding – Bidirectional
2:19Tag Binding
2:17Tag Binding – Drag and Drop
2:19Tag Binding – Bidirectional
1:40Tag and Component Overlays
3:20Indirect Tag Binding
2:17Tag Historian Binding
3:21Expression Binding
1:24Expression Binding – Concat Strings
1:01Expression Binding – Celsius to Fahrenheit
2:01Expression Binding – Format Date
2:46Expression Binding – Date Manipulations
1:23Expression Binding – Bit Functions
2:06Expression Binding – Switch
1:43Expression Binding – Checking Conditions
2:40DB Browse Binding
2:05DB Browse Binding – Dynamic Filters
1:16SQL Query Binding
2:26SQL Query Binding – Polling
1:47SQL Query Binding – Dynamic Filters
1:55SQL Query Binding – Scalar Query and Fallback
1:47SQL Query Binding – Scalar Query and Update
2:24Cell Update Binding
2:07Function Binding
4:22Component Styles
Tag Binding – Drag and Drop
Learn how to drag and drop Tags onto windows to create components and set up property bindings automatically.
Video recorded using: Ignition 7.7
(open in window)[00:00] In the previous lesson, we showed how to link components to various tags using property binding. And that was to take a component, put it onto the window, go down to the property, click on the 'bind' button, and select 'tag' and go and find the tag we want to link it to. Now there's quite a few clicks involved in actually linking a component's property to a tag. Since linking to tags is the most common case that we have Ignition, there's an easier method here. There's actually a few ways we can actually link properties to various tags. The first is to simply drag and drop the tag onto a screen. So I can take N7:0 here, drag it onto my screen, and after I drag it, Ignition's going to ask me what I want to create out of that tag. And I can create display elements as well as control elements, or if I have any templates created I can also use those templates. So on display I can actually say I want to to a tank. I can take N7:1, drag it over here as an LED display. I can take N7:2 and drag it over here as a numeric label. And we can keep dragging and dropping these various tags onto the window. I can also go down here and do actual control components. So I can take, let's say, 'WritableBoolean2', I can drag that onto a screen, and I can do a control, and maybe do a 2-state toggle button. Or I can take 'WritableInteger1", drag on the screen, I can do control and do a multi-state button. And so basically that list that pops up is a list that helps you get going pretty quickly with the tags in Ignition. Another way that we can actually bind up a component to a tag is by actually going over to a component, like for example if I take, in this case, a thermometer, put a thermometer on the window I can actually take a take like N7:0 and then drag that tag onto the component to link it up. And what happens here is Ignition actually will set up the bindings for me on these components. So you see that there's quite a few properties here that are bold, that are actually all linked directly to that tag that we dragged on. The third way we can actually set up this binding is the way that I prefer, and that is to take the LED display or any component, and actually drag a tag directly down to a property on that component. So if I take N7:0 and drag it down to the value property the LED display, it'll link that property up only to that tag. So there are several ways we can actually drag and drop tags onto screens to help us create these screens very quickly.