This lesson is part of the Security in Ignition course. You can browse the rest of the lessons below.


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Learn how to set up security for the Gateway webpage sections and Designer. The Gateway can use any existing authentication profile independent of any projects. Each of the Status, Home, and Configure pages can be restricted by role. Outside of logging into a client, the Designer as well can require a special role.

Video recorded using: Ignition 7.9


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[00:00] Locking down on Ignition Gateway is not only very simple, but it's highly recommended, as it helps to secure your system against unwanted attackers. To start, we need to go into the configure section of the gateway webpage, and come down to the gateway settings page under system. Here in the gateway settings section, there are couple of properties that allow us to set roles that'll lockdown certain aspects of the gateway. Here at the top, under system user source, we can select which user source has access to these gateway features. We can then enter in one or more of the roles within that user source, and to each of these properties to restrict those functions to just the users that have these roles. By default, the system user source is set to use the default user source, and the gateway config role, status page role, and designer role, are all set to use the administrator role. This gives the default user of admin password access to all of these functions. We can easily change these to any other role that we have in our user source, by simply typing in a different role. In addition, multiple roles can be specified by using a comma-separated list. Finally, only the gateway config role and designer config role require at least one role in them to function properly. Each of the other properties can be left blank, which means that particular feature will not be password protected. However, it is highly recommended that you at least password protect these features with one role, if not many. The benefit of using a different role for each one of these features, is that it allows you to really customize who has access to what, instead of having one blanket administrator role that has access to everything. This way, it would allow you to give people partial access, such as giving a manager access to the status page, so that they can see the status of the gateway, but not access to the configure page, where they could potentially fault some of your systems.

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