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2:44Drawing Tools Overview
1:29Drawing a Line
1:38Fill and Stroke
2:33Shape Geometry
1:00Bezier Curves
1:17Editing Shape Paths
1:36Eyedropper Tool
Eyedropper Tool
The eyedropper tool is used to set the selected vector graphic shape(s) and/or component(s) foreground/background or stroke/fill colors by pulling the colors from somewhere else in the window.
Video recorded using: Ignition 7.7
(open in window)[00:00] The drawing tools in Ignition provide a special tool called the eyedropper tool that allows you to set the selected component's foreground, background, or stroke/fill colors by pulling colors from somewhere else in the window. So let's say for example on this label here that I want to set the foreground color to the color of the rectangle, and I want to set the background color to the color of this circle. So I don't want to go and have to pull from the colors in each of the components. I want Ignition to do it for me using this tool. So first I would select the label. Now it's important that you go and check the fill background color here so that you can actually see the background color get set. But first you select the label, then you go over here to the toolbar on the right-hand side of the Designer and select the eyedropper tool. From here I can go anywhere on the window and I can choose a color. So as you can see, as you put your mouse over various components, you'll see the color of that component at the very bottom of the Designer so you know exactly what you're working with. Then I can perform a right click or a left click. A right click will actually set the foreground or the stroke of the component, and then a left click will actually set the background or the fill color of the component. So let me do a right click on the label to set the foreground, as you can see here, there is the foreground color of the label to the blue. If I go over to my circle and do a left click, it's going to set the background color of the label to yellow. I can do the same thing for the rectangle. If I come down to my rectangle and go use my eyedropper tool, I can go up here and do a right click to to set the outline of the rectangle and do a left click on the circle to set the background color of it. So basically we can choose any color in the window that we want and Ignition will automatically set the appropriate colors depending on the click that we do.