This lesson is part of the Transaction Groups in Ignition course. You can browse the rest of the lessons below.


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See an example of a simple group that stores data historically to a database using a custom table structure.

Video recorded using: Ignition 7.9


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[00:00] A basic historical group is any type of transaction group that logs data to a database. And in this video, we'll see how easy it is to get going with basic historical groups. The most straightforward way to log data with the transaction group is to use the historical group. This is a very simple type of group that only maps data from OPC and tags into columns for the purpose of inserting rows. Here we have our OPC browser where we can browse down to devices that we've already configured in the gateway. In my simulator, I'll choose a couple of tags to log. I drag those over to the group and they come in with default column names. So the group is mapping from OPC to the column name into the specified table. At this point, I can give them any names I want. And the group will take care of creating the table for me. If the table already exists, the group will take care of adding the additional columns. So I'll call my table realistic values. And I'll leave the default column names as they are. This is really all I need to do. With the timer at one second, I can enable the group and save and the group will begin running. Remember, this table didn't exist before I started the group. And yet, now we can come in and see the values streaming in every second. Really that's all there is to it. Of course, I may want to log at a different rate or to only store data on a condition through a trigger. But in regards to storing basic values, it doesn't get much simpler than this.

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