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Alarm Grouping
Grouping alarms in Ignition is an important concept so you can view alarms for a particular area of your plant or for a specific set of alarms.
Video recorded using: Ignition 7.7
(open in window)[00:00] Grouping alarms in Ignition is an important concept. You may not want to see every alarm in a single view. A lot of times you want to view alarms for a particular area of your plan or for a certain set of alarms. There are a few ways to group alarms in Ignition. The first is to use the folder structure of our tags. So as you can see here, I have a few folders like Machine A, Motors and Writable. Inside each of these folders I have an alarm. So on the screen, I can actually filter for alarms within a particular folder. And we could actually use wildcards to search for multiple folders, like I can put M* and I can search for all the alarms in Machine A and the Motors folder since they both start with letter M. If you don't want to use the folder structure here because that does require you to actually organize your tags into that hierarchy, you can actually use the alarm configuration. So if I go into one of my alarms, every alarm is going to have a Display Path. The Display Path is something you type in there and so you're in control of whatever it is, you could put forward slashes or special characters in there that you could then search for on your screen. So you can filter for whatever you type into a Display Path. Again, you can actually use wildcards to match certain patterns. The third way and it's the most recommended way is to use associated data. Associated data is information you add to an alarm. So for example here in this configuration, I can go up here, the top, and click on the green plus icon to add and associated at the bottom. And here I can call this whatever I want, typically I'll call it Group. And you can make that value static or dynamic typically, it's going to be static, I can actually say for example Group A. So every single alarm that I configured, I can go add associated data called Group and specify whatever value I want here and that's separate from the folder it's in and separate from the Display Path. So that way, it's something that I add that's extra that I can go use for filtering. So there's a few ways you can actually filter alarms in the next lessons, we're going to show how we can actually filter that on the status component itself.