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Agent Task - Backup and Restore


Learn how to create agent tasks for collecting backups and restoring backups.

Video recorded using: Ignition 8.1


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[00:00] In this lesson, we'll take a look at collecting gateway backups and restoring from gateway backups on our agents. As you can see here, I have my controller. I also have an agent gateway connected, and I need to collect a backup from it. Since we're dealing with enterprise administration, I'm in the configure section on my controller, and if we scroll down, here I am under enterprise administration and on the agent task page. To create the collect backup task, I'll click on the create new gateway task link here. As the name implies, this simply collects a gateway backup from the agent and then stores it on the controller's eam archive. With this task selected, let's scroll down here and I'll click on the next button down below. Of course, you can set up a schedule. I'm just going to execute this one on demand here, but you may want to actually have a recurring schedule for all your agent backups. So creating a schedule to collect backups from your agents would be a great idea as it could protect you against hardware failure on the agents.

[01:07] We'll click the next button. Now we need to specify which of our agents we'd like to collect backups from. So I'll just select the agent, named agent and click next. On this page wer'e presented with the task relevant setting max concurrent backups. This sets a limit on how many backups that will be concurrently requested while the task runs. I'll leave this as zero, providing no limit, and I'll click next. We get a summary of the task we're going to create. I'll click on finish here. The task was scheduled to execute on demand, so I'll run it by clicking this more menu and choosing run now. And I'll click confirm on the warning message for if we are sure we want to run the task now. The task will run quickly here and we have successfully collected a backup. So let's actually restore from that backup. So I'm going to click to create new gateway task link. This time I'll choose the restore backup task and click next. I'll let the task execute immediately this time. We don't need to bother with the schedule, so I'll click on next.

[02:07] Again, I'll just select my agent and hit next. Now we're able to choose the backup file to restore on the agent. You could select a file from your machine. However, I'll choose this option to select directly from the controller archive. I'll select this backup on the top, which is the one I just collected from the agent. This restore disabled option when checked will disable all the agent connections and settings upon restart, which I'm going to leave off for right now. I'll click on next. When I click finish here, the task will execute, so I'll go back to my agent to check that out. I'll refresh the browser and you can see that the agent is restarting, so it's just running through a normal gateway restore now, meaning the agent is shutting down, our backups are being imported, and the agent will start back up afterwards. So once you start utilizing enterprise administration, it's very easy to start collecting these backups from your agents and later restoring those gateway backups can be accomplished with just a few mouse clicks.

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