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5:29Reporting Interface
4:00Report Data Tab
4:38Report Design Tab
5:04Report Schedule Tab
Supplemental Videos
4:34Simple Report
Report Design Tab
This lesson provides an overview of the Design tab, where you will place reporting components directly onto the page of a report.
Video recorded using: Ignition 8.0
(open in window)[00:00] In this lesson, we'll take a look at the design tab. The design tab, in the reporting module, is where we will be visualizing all of the data we've collected in the data tab. Starting on the right hand side, we have our component pallet. This works like other component pallets, you can simply drag and drop to create a component. Now if we switch over to the preview tab, we can get a visual preview of what our page is going to look like. Now in this case my chart isn't showing any data, but that's because I haven't tied a data source to it. Now, I'll head back to the design tab here, and if I select my chart, you'll see that the property inspector, in the lower left hand corner, shows me some charting specific properties. So we know we can select a component to view additional properties. If I select the bar code, we'll see that the property inspector shows the configure barcode tab. Now, many of the components in the reporting module actually feature two tabs down here. In the very least, all components will list all of their properties in the property inspector. In some cases, such as our chart or barcode here, the property inspector may be split up into multiple tabs containing the properties and any additional configuration areas. In some cases, such as the chart I'm using up here, there's a chart options tab, which allows me to do things like add pens, and change the axes. Later videos will examine these properties a little bit further. For right now, we can head up to the key browser. The key browser is where you take all of the data that you've collected from the data tab, and then can decide what to do with it on your page. So when you create a new report, in the very least, you should have two folders here. One for parameters, where we see our initial start date and end date parameters, and then there's a built in folder that contains a whole bunch of keys such as the current page, the current date, and so on. Now the term key here, basically references a placeholder for your data. The idea being that you place your keys on the page somewhere, and then when we run the report, we'll look up the value of your key, and place that on the page instead. So for example, if I take my start date, and drag that onto the report, I can switch over to the preview tab, and we can see that the text in there has been replaced by the current date. Now, I'm going to add an extra piece of data to my report. I'm going to head to the data tab, and I'm going to just real quickly create a static CSV data source, just so I have some data to work with. Now, if I head back to the design tab here, you'll see that the key browser now has a data source. So we do split up the two types of data. Now, when I drag the start date key onto the report, it created a text shape component, which is effectively a label. Now, if we go into data sources, and take static data, which is a data set with multiple columns, we can drag static data to an empty spot on our page here, and that'll create a table component. I'll resize this real quick, and then I'll start adding some columns. And if we head over to the preview tab, we can see that the table is now starting to populate with some values. So this tells us that keys with a single value will create a text shape, while keys with a data set will create a table. Now, I'll head back to the design tab here. In some cases, maybe you want to rotate the page, or change the margins here. In this case, you can head over to the project browser and click on the report object itself, and you'll see a whole bunch of settings, specifically for the entire report. So I could rotate the page, I could change the margins. And even here we see that there is a dedicated properties tab for the entire report. Now in some cases, you may want to add additional pages to design with. Perhaps you wanted to do a summary page at the end, or a cover page on the front. You can accomplish this by coming up to the menu bar at the top, and looking at the pages menu. For example, if I wanted to add a page in front of my current page, I could select add page previous. So when I click on this menu item, you'll see that now I can now pick from both of my pages. I could maybe add a text shape here and place some text inside of there. Now, if I switch over to the preview tab, you can see that we have our cover page, and I could switch over to our second page. So we can see that the design tab of the reporting module is very similar to other work spaces in Ignition, in that you can drag and drop a lot of objects onto the page, and easily preview your work.