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Launching a Session
In this lesson we'll launch a Session, which is the Perspective module's runtime application. We'll also learn about pages in Perspective.
Inductive University Lesson: Perspective Workstation
(open in window)[00:00] Welcome back. Okay so we have a, very simplistic project so far. We have a single view, but let's talk about how to launch this just in case you want to launch your application later and see what it looks like from the runtime. So the first thing you should do is, you should actually save your project. So in your designer here, there's a little save button right above the project browser, but you can also go to file and there is a save option there, I'll just click the little button here. So now that that's saved, we can actually go and run this. Now from the designer that's actually pretty easy to do, we can actually go to tools, launch perspective and launch session and that will actually open a web browser from our local environment. So that's just basically you launching from the designer, now that's not really how most of the users are going to launch this though. So what I'm going to show you instead is I'm going to switch over to a web browser here. And from our gateways web interface here, I did want to show you, there's a couple of things to be aware of.
[01:00] So if you want to just launch this in a browser, you can go down from the home section here. You can go to perspective session launcher. You can click on view projects. And then we have two here, or I have two here, I should say that. We do have the quick start project. But then we do have our building and prospective projects, so you can just click on launch project and I'll take this URL here and oops, the scaling on that tank. So we should probably play with that a little bit later, but yeah, you can see it has sort of the same scaling rules we saw in the last video here. And we do have like a dedicated URL to it, so if we wanted, we could actually bookmark that and come back to it later if we want to. Now if you didn't want to use a web browser, another thing to actually to be aware of before I get my browser out of the way here is if I go back to my gateways web interface here if I go back to the home section, there is this perspective workstation option. So this is a I think like a desktop app that you can install locally and then basically it will run the project for you. So you don't have to use a more traditional web browser.
[02:01] Installing is pretty easy. I'm not going to go through it in this video. You just click the download perspective workstation button. I'll put a link to a an installation video and a demonstration video basically but otherwise getting it installed is kind of the same as the designer launcher. There's some steps you can follow. There's a dedicated installer for it. You just need to work through but it's a pretty, it's very similar to the designer launcher in all honesty. Now, how did it know to go to well this is really the only view in our project here but how did it know to go here? Well if we head back to our designer, if we go back to that sort of starting area in the designer here for the perspective module, we ended up creating what's called a page. Now in Perspective, a page is basically one or more views that you can navigate to. So when we created this overview view, so if I bring up that create new view pop-up window I'm not going to create a new one. I just wanted to look at it. One of the things I told you to do is leave the page URL property checked and then leave the field of laws label with just a slash this page URL automatically creates a page for you when you try to create a new view.
[03:09] So we didn't really have to do anything here. We can just go ahead and launch the app automatically now going forward, I'll show you how to manually create pages just so you can kind of see that interplay. But for the most part just adding a page from this little interface is probably the easiest way to do it. But all of your pages you have in your project live under this page configuration area. So earlier we didn't have this slash entry here. This is something that was added when we created the overview. Now, as we continue to develop this application all of the screens that we want our users to be able to navigate to, we will create a page entry for. So later on when we create the trending page, we'll have a separate or a dedicated page entry here for it. And that dedicated URL is part of the reason why you want to build pages anyways that we can navigate directly to a certain screen with the URL. But later on, you'll see that that's also how we can actually pass parameters to pages themselves.
[04:03] So that way we can have sort of reusable views that can show different data depending on how the user arrived there in the first place. But that about wraps up pages for now. We'll take a closer look at them later on. As we start adding more views into this project here and we start approaching and addressing navigation. So I'll see you in the next video.