This lesson is part of the Tags in Ignition course. You can browse the rest of the lessons below.


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Every device in Ignition's OPC UA server exposes diagnostic Tags that provide status and performance information about the device.

Video recorded using: Ignition 8.1


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[00:00] Every OPC server will give you diagnostic information about throughput connections and things like them. Ignitions OPC UA server will expose these diagnostic tags and we can use those tags and ignition, once we drag them into the tag browser here. First, we need to open up our tag creator here and then we can go into the ignition OPC UA server and into our devices and into any one of the devices. And you can see we have this diagnostics folder and inside each diagnostics folder we'll have information like is connected in host name. Now we can drag the is connected tag over into our provider and hit apply. And then you can see, we have a new is connected tag in our tag browser. Now we can do things like you know, put this on the screen or add history or alarming to it. Certain devices will have more information like our control logics here. We have things like the serial number and major, minor revision numbers for that. Other devices like our micro logics will have different information. If you go into diagnostics here you can see, we have that same is connected in host name. And like most devices will have a request folder that will give you some more information about things like you know, minimum and maximum duration for requesting information from that device. Once we have the tags that we want in our tag browser, we can display them on screen. The most common case is to take the, is connected flag and use it onscreen to tell me if the device is connected or not. I'll create a new main window here and I'll grab a circle and drop it onscreen. And then we can use the is connected flag to bind our fill paint property. I can just select our new is connected tag and then set our values off being red and on being green. Now on screen, I have a display to tell me if the device is connected or not.

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