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About DNP3 Addressing
Learn what data is automatically browsed in DNP3 devices and how to address other values through Aliased Points and scripting functions.
Video recorded using: Ignition 7.9
(open in window)[00:00] Once you have a DNP3 device set up and connected. We can open up our designer and go into the OPC browser to take a look at some of our tags in there. If I open up that device, you will see there is two folders here. One is Internal Indicators and one is Points. The internal indicators folder, contains a number of tags that are used to assess the status of the device. The points folder, will contain a list of all of our tags. Including analog inputs and outputs, counters and frozen counters. One of the cool things that the DNP3 driver can do. Is add tags of our own, right here within, Ignition. If we go back to the devices page and our, Gateway webpage, go and click on this more button, next to our DNP3 device. You'll see there is a link here for aliased points. Here, we can address a number of points to add to our DNP3 device.
[01:07] We can also export our current configuration or import any previous configurations we may have made. First, I'm going to start by adding a point address. Mine is going to be, G40V1I3 That, G, V and I stand for Group Variation and Index and it's how DNP3 devices do their addressing. Once, I have that, then I can enter in a path to that tag. If I just want my tag to appear in the root folder, then I would put a slash and then my tag. However, I can precede my tag name by putting as many folder names as I want. So at the beginning of the path, I could, for example, put in something like /folder. Now my tag is going to appear in a folder, called folder, and the name of my tag is going to be, tag.
[02:03] Finally, I can enter in a description for my tag, if I would like to. I'm going to put a in a description really quick here. Once, that's done, I'm ready to save my changes. If I would first like to add additional tags, I can hit this, add row button down here. I can have as many rows as I want to add as many tags as I want. I only want to add the one tag so I'm going to scroll down and hit save changes. Now, that I've made those changes. I'm going to go back in my designer. I'm going to refresh the OPC browser, here. I'm going to navigate to my device again. Now, you will notice there is a new folder, in there called aliased points. This is going to contain all of the aliased points, that I had set up previously. If I expand the aliased points folder, you will notice it contains a folder called folder and inside there is my tag, called tag. Just like I had set it up in the path. I can even drag my tag into my tag browser and we can see it gets a default value of zero.
[03:10] Finally, one of the more advanced features of the DNP3 driver, is that we can interface with it directly through scripting. If I open up the button here and I go to the script editor. If I were to type in system.dnp3, You will, notice there is a list of scripting functions that I can use to interface directly with the device. All of these functions contain descriptions of the function. As well as descriptions of all the parameters on the right there. However, all of these functions are considered advanced and you should only use them, if you are familiar, with both scripting and your device.