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Learn about the method of having a master Ignition and a backup Ignition for configuring Redundancy in Ignition.
Video recorded using: Ignition 8.1
[00:00] Ignition redundancy supports a two node system, meaning there are two copies of the gateway running. One is designated as the master gateway and the other is the backup. If we review the architecture setup on my gateway here in the status overview screen, you'll notice I already have redundancy set up. My master gateway named Alpha is hosted locally, and my connected backup gateway is hosted on another computer. All systems are identical. This is because when changes are made on the master, they are queued up to be sent to the backup node and when the backup connects, it retrieves these updates or downloads a full system backup if it is too far out of date. The master node is responsible for all system configurations. The backup node will not allow you to edit properties. If the master system were to fail or the computer were to shut down, the system will automatically fail over to the backup system and continue running there.
[01:03] All clients that are currently running will automatically switch over to the backup when a failover occurs, and there are many redundancy settings that you can alter that affect how a failover occurs, and what happens to the system when the master comes back up. One important thing to note about redundancy is that the gateways don't have to be installed on the same type of system. Meaning we could have one gateway via 64 bit and another one via 32 bit, or we can have our master via Windows machine and the backup of the Linux machine, although it is recommended to keep the operating systems the same, the only thing that needs to happen for redundancy is that the gateways need to be the same ignition version.