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1:18Display Status of Single Alarm
1:34Alarm Status Component
2:29Alarm Status – General Filtering
1:40Alarm Status – Filter on Associated Data
2:42Alarm Status – Row Styles
1:05Alarm Status – Marquee Mode
1:07Alarm Status – Acknowledgement
1:19Alarm Status – Shelving
1:11Alarm Status – Tag History and Alarm History
1:50Alarm Status Tags
Alarm Status – Row Styles
Learn how to customize the style (appearance) of alarms in different states on the alarm status component.
Video recorded using: Ignition 7.7
(open in window)[00:00] By default, the Alarm Status Table comes with a particular set of colors associated with each of the alarm states. So here for example, my active and unacknowledged alarms are at the very top in the red and blinking. My cleared to unacknowledged alarms are teal at the bottom here. So I can actually change each of these colors for each of the states by going to the alarm row styles customizer that the component provides. So I can right click on it and go down to Customizes Alarm Row Styles, and here we can specify one or more styles. Where each style has an expression and a color and if you want it to blink. So the expressions really important here. This expression... there is expression so you can actually do any evaluations you want and you can use any parts of the alarm. You can use the priority, the state, the display path the active time, clear time etc. And so here for example, the very top I have priority equals diagnostic. If it's diagnostic then we're just going to use this color scheme which is that gray scheme. Now there is an order of these alarm row styles. So a diagnostic is the first one. The first one that's going to return true before we get an alarm is the one that's going to be used. So you want to make sure the order is the right order. So the second one here is the state is equal to active and unacknowledged and the priority is greater than equal to three. If that is true, than we're going to use this color scheme and we're going to blink. So as you can see that is the very top one here the active, unacknowledged ones at the very top. Certainly I can add more states to this. Let me go add another one. And at the very bottom, I'm going to set the expression to return true or false. So I'm going to paste my expression. And expressions going to be when the state is active and unacknowledged and the priority is equal to four. And that's a critical alarm. So when it's critical, I want the color to be red. Sorry, the Foreground color to be white. I want the background color to be red. And I want to blink to a foreground color of black. And a background color of yellow. So lets say we want this to blink and be really visible at the very top of this component. So, if I keep this one at the very bottom right now It'll never come through because this one is going to return true first and that and the priority is greater equal to three exists four and the state is active on act. So I need to make sure this one is above that one there. So it catches first. So when it's a critical alarm this is the state that's going to show. So as soon as I put that in there I can press okay and I can see at the very top now this one is red and blinking. So you can definitely change the alarm row styles of each of the states there, by choosing those expressions. You can look in the manual to refer to all the color base properties that you can use in that expression language there.