
Alarm notification pipelines are the bridge between alarms becoming active or clear to messages being sent out to users. Pipelines are a graphical mechanism for building up logic, providing an easy to use drag and drop mechanism for creating complex notification scenarios. Using pipelines, it is possible to accomplish many tasks such as alarm escalation, notification consolidation, conditional dispatch, and more.

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[00:00] The final step to notify someone when an alarm occurs is to create Alarm Notification Pipeline. Alarm Notification Pipelines are the bridge between alarms becoming active or clear to message being sent out to users. Pipelines are a graphical mechanism for building up logic. Providing an easy to use drag and drop mechanism for creating complex notification scenarios. Using pipelines it is possible to accomplish many tasks, such as alarm escalation, notification consolidation, conditional dispatch and more. Let's look at how a pipeline works. Here in my designer I have a pipeline that I have already created. You create all your pipelines up in the Global area in the Alarm Notification Pipelines section. I can right-click up here to create a new pipeline as well as organize my pipelines into different folders. I have a pipeline created here called Notify. The basic idea is every pipeline has a Start Block and your going to configure your alarms to go into the Start Block when the alarm becomes active, cleared or acknowledged. So if I go into one of the alarms that I've already configured here, I'll see there's a section for notification and I can specify which pipeline I want to go into when it becomes active, clear or acknowledged. As you can see here it's only going to go into notify pipeline when it becomes active, when it's cleared and acknowledged it does nothing. So idea is that when the alarm becomes active it comes into the Start Block of the pipeline. Then from there we're going to handle, what we're going to do with that alarm through the various blocks up here. Ultimately at the end we want to notify somebody using the Notification Block. The alarm itself will stay in the pipeline as long as it doesn't meet one of the Dropout Conditions you see down here in the bottom left. So if the alarm stays active and is not acknowledged and is not shelved it's going to stay in the pipeline as long as we can. As soon as it meets this Dropout Condition it will leave the pipeline. So for this particular example I have here, when the alarm becomes active it comes to the Start Block. And then it's going to go to Delay Block. The Delay Block allows us to wait for five minutes here to see if the operators acknowledge the alarm or if it becomes cleared. After five minutes if it's still active, we're then going to go and notify somebody, here using the voice notification profile I'ma notify the roster called Operators. After we've notified all the people in this list if the alarm is still active, we are going to the output pin here and we're going to come down to Delay Block. We'll wait one minute, if it's still active we're going to go back and notify again. The idea is we're going to loop here as many times as we can---it's unlimited until that alarm becomes cleared or acknowledged. As soon as it becomes acknowledged or cleared, it's going to drop out of the pipeline and we'll be done. The next time the alarm goes active it's going to come right back in the Start Block. So we can use the various blocks here to do, to determine the logic we want to use, to know who we're going to notify at the very end.

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